Thursday, January 1, 2009

Let There Be Peace On Earth And.....

....Let It Begin With Me. I have always loved hearing the whole congregation singing this song it always gives me so much hope. Without hope how can we go on? We are in a time of turmoil yet we must have hope that things will turn around. I believe in the power of prayer and during these troubled times if we all pray collectively we can help to make our world a peaceful and safe place. It is never to early to start a prayer for this new year to be filled with love, joy, and peace.

My wish for every one of you is that you and yours will take a moment each day to count your blessings. If we look around I think we will all see that we have exactly what we need. Instead of living in fear of the unknown use this time to reach out to someone less fortunate and together we will get through this. May peace be with you I wish you peace.

Peace Out

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